adam 寫:
S-V 客戶關注組尋日打比我2次,
第1次係因我之打上S-V 投訴, 果條仆街楊生打黎九UP 左一大輪最後都只係話要比錢.
第2次係因佢收到電管局及東方既轉介, 一打黎問我清唔清楚今早楊生既回覆, 同我講經咩方法投訴個回覆都會係一樣, 我叫佢等埋消委會既投訴先, 佢又話因為條款寫明他們只要30日前通知就可任意更改所有服務收費及範圍, 所以回覆都會係一樣, 仲問到時佢收到消委會既投訴洗唔洗再打黎比我講多次, 真係火都黎埋.
我再去S-V 門市問出機上台, D SALES 仲係到呃人話只要用3G PLAN, D 免費野就一直可用架喇, 從無提及隨時會改, S-V 根本就係持住有獨家手機, 騙人上台, 我地要團結, 唔好讓步唔好覺得煩停止爭取, 唔只係S-V 用戶, 如果S-V 得逞, 其他台都可能會係咁樣, 我地要比香港市民知道佢地簽既合約係唔平等既, 我地要推番佢.
除左再向消委會出信, 我再諗唔到有咩方法爭取, 有冇有識之事可出謀獻策.
I has faxed the complaint letter to OFTA, then CC to SMC-Voda on last week, today I has received a calls from SMC-Voda(The woman called Ms Chan from Customer care dept/Direct line-3128-2952), Ms Chan told me they has received a complaint letter and explain again and again the service charge of News channel. she explain the news channel will be charged to customer even in other 3G operators, I has told this woman why I has choosed SMC-Voda finally, because SMC has offered a free news channel to 3G user, but she told me that SMC-Voda did not have any commitment with customer the news channel will be free of charge for a longtime and the contract without this condition, but anyway she will report the customer sound to managment, after that, I has told this Ms Chan I will pass the case to OFTA follow then cut her lines.