趁 lunch 時間 小小 update 先!
(1) 個 friend 終於毒發身亡,還返部小玩具比我,自已買了部 DX50!
(2) 玩野唔好太犯本,所以初玩決定從二手埋堆,已經收了兩對耳機,分別是 UE TF10 Pro (3 單天動鐵) 和 Westone W4 (4 單天動鐵),如無意外呢個星期會收多對 Sony 7550 (超大單元動圈),三對耳機加埋 3500 有找,我覺得咁玩法 C/P 好高,三幾千蚊玩完出貨都唔慌會點蝕!
(3) 傾緊買第二部 player DX100,呢部話就比 DX50 高一條 line,但貴好多所以都係二手,呢部志在玩過,長 keep 機會不大!
(4) 仲搵緊第 4 對耳機,入多對圈鐵混 (Hybrid) 就停一排,然後轉戰大耳了。
至於部 DX50,又出了新 firmware,今次唔止改善操作,仲改左小小 Sound Performance, 弱音多左,聲場深左 (但橫度無改),整體 presentation 都 forward 了小小,算是免費既小改善!
DX50 係 Android 底,所以建議每次 upgrade firmware 後都做一次 Wipe,對外面人就話要入工程模式講到好似秘技咁,但對 IMA 來講,Wipe 機真係基本野啦,anyway 係 HeadFi 度抄左段 instruction 做記錄啦!
1. power off the unit
2. hold the volume up button
3. press the power for ~ 2 secs
4. still hold the volume up button, until you get a screen like:
DX50 system recovery (3e)
Volume up/down to move highlight
power button to select.
reboot system now
apply update from SD card
wipe data/factory reset
Recovery system v1.0
5. use volume down to highlight the "wipe" line, and press power button.